Thursday, December 18, 2008

Research bout Neil Armstrong FAKE ! :O

Holiday.I'm boring so do some's not really a research laa,but it's about how FAKE is Neil Armstrong!

Okayy.Neil Armstrong is soo FAKE ! I hate him so much even he maybe they all said yang he went to the moon step on the moon lah.whatever!

Now !
I'll let you think for sometime.Moon have less gravity,it means like even NO gravity.If moon have no gravity,how can a human or even a NASA ship landed on it?They should be floating away like the awan!

ohh ! sumpa laa Neil and USA is serious penipuu laa.wht tha fcuk !
One more thing,the USA flag ! macmne lak a flag boley bertebangan?
kat moon tak de angin laa USA ! I don't think you're that smart huh, USA?haha :P think about's not worth it to believe something impossible ! haha

That video is about Neil Armstrong when he is like mendarat ! haha,they are soo stupid afte all.

haha look the vid ! i don't even know that thre are breeze haha FAKE !
ok,anyone yg believe neil,just i can't change your statement.Just believe what you believe :) and never follow what people sayy.


He converted to Islam or not?

Okayy.For one thing,we still can believe that Neil Armstrong did went on the moon.My article before seriously about the scientific matter.But when it comes to Islam,I seriously can't say anything because only Allah knows everything,i mean it EVERYTHING !

We really don't know whether it true or not,,so we should just google for it ! haha :)

“An assumption widespread in Muslim countries is that when Armstrong (and Aldrin) were on the Moon, they heard a strange singing voice that they discovered was the adhan (Islamic call to prayer), and that this caused them to convert to Islam after their flight. In March 1983, the United States Department of State released a press statement for embassies and consulates in Muslim countries that attempted to dispel the myth noting that Armstrong had not moved to the country of Lebanon, nor converted to Islam.”

There was also a rumour in circulation that Armstrong had converted to Islam. It’s difficult to track down the source of the rumour, but it may have originated in comments uttered by Armstrong in a different context. The story goes that Armstrong heard the Muslim call to prayer while on the Moon, and upon hearing it later on Earth, promptly converted to Islam. Added to the confusion is that Armstrong’s official mailing address is in Lebanon, Ohio. Armstrong has several times respectfully but firmly attempted to correct the impression that he has converted to Islam.

Discovery Channel Canada

My conclusion now is if we believe in ISLAM,we really should believe this.
but it could be jugak..maybe USA nak buat Islam look worst,so, diorang pegi buat all this penipuan to make ISLAM down! They want to put all the blame on ISLAM.They mcm nak kate yang ISLAM reka cerita la kalau nak senang cerita..

You know USA ! They really can do anything.They are EVIL ! ;O

This is the evidence of Allah on footage ! this is real ! Allah the al-mighty.
Believe it or's your's your own decision :)



Anonymous said...

Magnificent phrase and it is duly