Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy new year Muslims =)

It's happy new year for muslims :)
Maal hijrah. let's berhijrah from 2008 to 2009 =)

Happy new Year 2009 ! hoorayy .
My PMR year is coming. but next year is my Form Two life .

i hope that i will beat my friends in studies especially si idong laa ! huhu die mmg terer tp tak slalu tgk die study. huh ! :( and hope i will fix my relationship dgn my friends =) and and harap all the problem kat Penang takan jadi again next year. it's 2009 people ! be someone new .

I'm hoping the best for PMR in 2010. seriously i'm heading towards 2010 :)
my target is 8A's for PMR. and 3.5 above every sems. InsyaAllah .


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Kuala Lumpur City Centre +_+

Went to KLCC with long long.It's a boring day.We went there with a car. it's Myvi. I drove the car.

Oh noo ! Kaklong yang PANDU . haha, i don't have license !

Well it's all started with i SETAN. i'm not setan. it's just the store haha.But seriously i don't agree with the store's name.I think it should be You SETAN.Well that's better.erk,who cares??!!
kaklong bought the sushi ! and some groceries.the total of things bought there is 100 something, maybe.kaklong memang boros ! Bahaahaa =P

After the i SETAN, we went to the starbucks and bought the Caramel Cappuccino.kaklong bought it for 14 ringgit and it's BUY 1 FREE 1 promotion.haha,you know what's that mean.i got one too.haha,kaklong save the day ! serious,it's real saving.but she asked me to give her 7 ringgit.She is so mean ! That's we call KEDEKUT ! but i don't give any to her.
haha sorry kaklong =P

After that we went to the taman ! Yummy . It's showtime. ok, it should EAT time .

It's NIGIRI SUSHI. well it's like mix sushi. hrmm,, YUMMY ! We bought it from the YOU SETAN ! There are Salmon sushi,'telor ikan' sushi (haha whatever it is) and tempura sushi.I bought 2 salmons because it's delicious ! =)

That's OUR sushi'es :P the long one, seriously i don't know the name. but it's kinda delicious.See that belang-belang thing?haha that seriously is her butt ! were sitting and eating.This is captured before eating. She is soo hungry ! haha

Membazir satu sushi laa :(( ! terjatuh in our plastic tong sampah.haha it's funny.because i made it fell into the plastic. kaklong looked very mad.but i know that she dah full . and she said that she's not selesa makan di taman.haha but i love it because it's like a picnic :)
But there was a problem. there were smokers everywhere. I hate smokers ! they're suck.even the girls smoked ! it is kinda hard to eat when the smoke got in our throat right. i choked ! uhuk uhuk. haha :P

This is my hand with the 'telor ikan' sushi. haha it's hard to hold it. huhu but it's delicious. i could hear pops in my mouth when i bite the telorr ! haha

after the japanese time,we went inside the KLCC and bought things. it's like umm ...
private things. haha :P

after private session,we went to the taman for a stroll. it was a nice day. Suddenly, kaklong punye phone rosak pulee . it's not really rosak but the camera button cam ta ley tekan. haha i think sure sbb tadi mase makan nak take pics, the sushi stuck at the camera button.i click it many times with tangan yang kotor. haha :P
We pon balek laa. once ade problem sure kaklong nak pulang cepat !! huhu
it's a tiring day.and my last shopping spree before back to Penang time =(

Oki dokey.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Opps I farted again ! XD

Check out this video.

By Britney Spears.Original song is (Opss I did it again).

This song is cool and insulting Britney!

^ Opss I farted again ! ^ haha :P

You should see the lyrics :P
But sorry,the lyrics and the video are not the same. it's different.
Oppss I farted again. funny stuff !

yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
I think I farted again
I made you smell it its more then just beans
Oh baby
It might seem like just beans
But it doesn't mean that I'm serious
'Cause to lose all my senses
That is just so typically me
Oh baby, baby

Oops!...I farted again
I played with my ass, got lost in the fumes
Oh baby, baby
Oops!...You think I passed gas"
That I'm sent from above
I'm not that eligent

You see my problem is this
I'm farting away
Wishing that heroes, they truly exist
I cry, watching the days
Can't you see I'm farting in so many ways
But to lose all my senses
That is just so typically me
Baby, oh


Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

"All aboard"
"Britney, before you go, there's something I want you to have"
"Oh, it's distusting"
"Yeah, I know"
"But I thought you were gonna give me a ring"
"Well baby, then go to hell with teh ring "
"Oh, you asshole"

Oops!...I farted again to your ass
Got lost in these fumes, oh baby
Oops!...You think that I'm sent from above
I'm not that innocent

You know what .. I farted while watching this ! haha XD


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Updates on designing blog :)

Currently designing my blog's headline using

it's kinda hard as the streamyx is getting worst ! i'll try to struggle to get the best for your view.
Ouh.. and and i changed my headline phrases too ! i

t's like the story of a sticky note girl.when she is needed they call her, but when they don't need her they just throw her away as it is the sticky note.i know her feelings because she is just like me.she's just hoping for a cute cat prince to save her life from the sticky note rubbish life.

may the sticky note girl and the cat prince live happily ever after.
the end.. haha that's the story =)
You know what? she wants the CAT prince to come and rescue her because she loves cat veryy much ! :DD
That's all for now.. it's 2.58 am . i'm sleepy ollready .
nitey nite.

I wish that he will come and save me . Who is he? I don't know. Wait for the future :8

Thank you for your support.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

my 40 secrets ;O

40 secrets.. except they arent secrets

Be honest no matter what.

1. Who was your last text from?

ainal . my 08 roomate =)

2. Where was your default picture taken?
at my mother's's boring waiting for her =l.she is a teacher

3. Whats your middle name?
if include my father's name, it's aiman . haha

4. Whats on your mind?
thinking bout my sister who is currently trying out some clothes . she is soo funny !

5. Does your crush/GIRLfriend/BOYfriend like you back?
i don't know. =l

6. What is your current mood?
borinx and sad because i'm leaving kuala lumpur :O

7. What is your moms name?
m for Maznah :)

8. What color shirt are you wearing?
black and white. it looks like checkers !

9. Are you close with your dad?
not really.he is a hot-tempered man

10. If you could go back in TIME and change something, would you?
change my whole world. i mean my life.

11. Have a crazy side?
yeah ! huahuahua it's devil beside you.

12. Ever had a near death experience?
i don't know. kene hempap kaklong ? haha

13. Something you do a lot?
eat and sleep ?

14. Angry at anyone?
yeah long long . she locked the door. haha

15. Favorite Month?
june . it's my birthday :)

16. Name someone with the same birthday as you?
no one. but kak ipah is on the same month !

17. When was the last time you cried?
last week :((

18. If you could have one super power what would it be?
read people's mind.

19. Whats the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
sense of humor :DD

20. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
caramel cappucino.

21. Favorite TV show(s)?
not into tivy.

22. Do you still watch kiddy movies?
yeahh ! bcoz i'm a kiddo.

23. What are you eating or drinking at the moment?
i'm not eating but i'm telan-ing my air liorr..haha

24. Do you speak any other language?
yeah.. bahasa malaysia :))

25. Whats your favorite smell?
smooth ones.

26. Describe your life in one word.
complicated and unpredictable.

27. Have you ever kissed in the rain?

28. Ever kissed on the beach?

29. What are you thinking about right now?
how to answer your stupid questions !!

30. What should you be doing?
homeworkk :O

31. Who was the last person that made you upset/angry?
kaklong yg gemookk...

32. What are you listening to?
radio from the internet.

33. Do you like working in the yard?
no ! it's hot.

34. Do you ever want to get married? kids?
of course. i love CUTE kids onlii..

35. Do you act differently around the person you like?
no. i'm nice to everyone. bwek !

36. What is your natural hair color?
blacky .

37. Who was the last person to make you smile?
if it's in person, the person i like =)

38. What is your favorite meal at your favorite fast food restaurant?
mcdonald please.

39. Do you cut out coupons?
no !

40. Whats the wierdest thing under your bed?
i don't know it's covered with wood. don't ask me to check under it !

I'm being honest ! :P

new websites =)

I found some new websites on the holidays .. Interesting web for sure ;P

it's just for your entertainment :)
enjoy it.


Monday, December 22, 2008

Streamyx Problematic :(

Seriously,my internet connection is getting worst ! My Youtube program is getting slower,even my own blog is stuck sometimes !I really need internet now since i'll be back to Penang in 2 weeks time.Pity me :(

Streamyx ! stop with your bad's not worth to talk to can't even breath !
Streamyx Broadband la konon.ok i'm seriously talking to myself bcoz streamyx is only a system not a human with feelings.well nothing much to say.

Just leaving a goodbye kiss. muaahhxxx ! ^o^ since i'm going back to Penang two weeks lagii..
i'll try to post from my library =]


Yeah.That is my school.Creepy huh? I will be there for about 2 years more..Wish me Luck ! =}


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sims 2 . i'm sleepy . nitey nite :O

I'm tired yang amat laa today.Went to the mall with my sis long long's 1.50 am.well it's quite late! i just can't sleep but i ...*menguap* kinda sleepy.that's me people !haha,serious a degil girl.hrm,,need rest laa people.i'll leave videos of Sims 2 Twilight i watched in Youtube ! it's fun.

Nitey Nite -__- Zzz

Twilight Episode 1

Twilight Episode 2

Twilight Episode 3

Twilight Episode 4

Twilight Episode 5 Part 1

Twilight Episode 5 Part 2

There will be Episode 6.i'll tell you people when the creator made Ep 6.Oky donkey.
Nitey Nite.Enjoy the videos.


Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow in Malaysia =]

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it :)
I don't celebrate Xmas :O

Finee.Wow it's snowing in Malaysia ! NOT! Just wishing for something impossible :(
I wish Malaysia is a snowy country.... *sigh* is this a fairy tale? Malaysia,snow?Even if it's end of the world,I don't think Malaysia will have white crystals all over the road,trees,cars and even my body! =O
I wish I can build a snow man.. Hoorayy!whatever, it's still a dream.
tp ade arabian country,last year i think yg country die snowing for the first time laa! could be because of the freak weather.haha :P

serious laa.memang nak sangat snow.haha try imagine lah.

One day,miracle tetibe happen.maybe in 10 years could be.Malaysia snowing! We all of course laa happy gile.we can play snow,the school pulak close.Snow ball fight for sure.Maybe now we all just play snow ball fight in the internet( haha,later later on for REAL ! after snow fight hrm,,oh yeahh.landing on the snow laa.sure cold ! hem,,mooree more,macam dalam comic ChibiMaruko,she buat a snow ball,and eat it with a strawberry sweet ! then,sure rase macam wheeee ! Bahaha.Sure best laa.the snow pulak sure cam sejuknyeee :)
i love it but never try it..hehe.


Talk about snow,heard of snow wh

Of course you heard it laa.Snow white famous laaa.Now this is fairy tale !This fairy tale will never come true.Dwarfs?A kiss to wake someone?that's not true.Only true love from our hearts will stay forever and a kiss is just like eeeuuwww ! haha fairy tales. one video bout snow white played by BETTY BOOP !
Betty Boop fun laa.very funny and sexyy..haha serious sexy ladyy!
Watch it ! =}

It was created on 1933.wooaa ! its wayy too old..haha i borned on 1995 ! well 1995 minus 1933 equal to 63 ! it is 63 years older than I am ! bahaha :) the vid is wayy too funny! I laugh sampai terkeluar anak tekak ! haha I can't even speak now.

enjoy the video =}


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Research bout Neil Armstrong FAKE ! :O

Holiday.I'm boring so do some's not really a research laa,but it's about how FAKE is Neil Armstrong!

Okayy.Neil Armstrong is soo FAKE ! I hate him so much even he maybe they all said yang he went to the moon step on the moon lah.whatever!

Now !
I'll let you think for sometime.Moon have less gravity,it means like even NO gravity.If moon have no gravity,how can a human or even a NASA ship landed on it?They should be floating away like the awan!

ohh ! sumpa laa Neil and USA is serious penipuu laa.wht tha fcuk !
One more thing,the USA flag ! macmne lak a flag boley bertebangan?
kat moon tak de angin laa USA ! I don't think you're that smart huh, USA?haha :P think about's not worth it to believe something impossible ! haha

That video is about Neil Armstrong when he is like mendarat ! haha,they are soo stupid afte all.

haha look the vid ! i don't even know that thre are breeze haha FAKE !
ok,anyone yg believe neil,just i can't change your statement.Just believe what you believe :) and never follow what people sayy.


He converted to Islam or not?

Okayy.For one thing,we still can believe that Neil Armstrong did went on the moon.My article before seriously about the scientific matter.But when it comes to Islam,I seriously can't say anything because only Allah knows everything,i mean it EVERYTHING !

We really don't know whether it true or not,,so we should just google for it ! haha :)

“An assumption widespread in Muslim countries is that when Armstrong (and Aldrin) were on the Moon, they heard a strange singing voice that they discovered was the adhan (Islamic call to prayer), and that this caused them to convert to Islam after their flight. In March 1983, the United States Department of State released a press statement for embassies and consulates in Muslim countries that attempted to dispel the myth noting that Armstrong had not moved to the country of Lebanon, nor converted to Islam.”

There was also a rumour in circulation that Armstrong had converted to Islam. It’s difficult to track down the source of the rumour, but it may have originated in comments uttered by Armstrong in a different context. The story goes that Armstrong heard the Muslim call to prayer while on the Moon, and upon hearing it later on Earth, promptly converted to Islam. Added to the confusion is that Armstrong’s official mailing address is in Lebanon, Ohio. Armstrong has several times respectfully but firmly attempted to correct the impression that he has converted to Islam.

Discovery Channel Canada

My conclusion now is if we believe in ISLAM,we really should believe this.
but it could be jugak..maybe USA nak buat Islam look worst,so, diorang pegi buat all this penipuan to make ISLAM down! They want to put all the blame on ISLAM.They mcm nak kate yang ISLAM reka cerita la kalau nak senang cerita..

You know USA ! They really can do anything.They are EVIL ! ;O

This is the evidence of Allah on footage ! this is real ! Allah the al-mighty.
Believe it or's your's your own decision :)


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Midvalley :)

Went to Mid wif a friend :)

Serious today cam penat yang amat laa..haha,well pegi mid with Iffa je.Tp,she bwk her her sisters and cousin la puleee,I bought my things for PENANG MALI =].I took a ride with KTM.yayy.I'm just 13 turning 14,cam kekok siket laa.Mule2 tyme nak buy tickket on 10.40 am,pegi laa kat counter,then da bought ticket kann..mse nak check card,nmpak sumone tu cm lalu kat lorong yg ade tong..then,igtkan he pegi buang dlm tong..rupe2nye he jln without buang the ticket or check in..I just foollow the guy and BUANG dlm tong..haha..maloo nyee..

thenn,,I just walked throw the tunnel.I stopped in the middle of the tunnel,then i went back to counter!ahah,that was embarassing :O I bought another ticcket and i told the counter receptionist or whatever it is,that I BUANG the ticket.hahak,,the orang tue cam,, "ape?!buang dalam tong tu ke?"I cam just walked away laa..nak lyn ke tak ..huhu

I waited for the KTM for about 10 mins.Morning.tak byk org sangat.yayy best!Stop kat mid station laa.emm,,then jln2 kat mid sorg2..I'm seriously alone!

I bought somthing kat Watson.hem,,things!haha..afte 30 mins I think,Iffa called me and asked me to go to the Golden Screen Cinema..Urghh!!whatever :P
We watched Wild Child!Actually,,I watched this movie kat Youtube taw befre,,maybe 2 last weeks.haha,,but I need to like "I will follow you" haha,crazy maniac.what a waste!
But the movie is cool!I I think I kinda like it when I watched it for the second time.haha
The movie is actually about a girl who always cause trouble!She were forced to study in a boarding school in England.The way she is a bit like my life,haha a girl who study in penang,and a girl who FORCED to study in england.Well,there is a different.


Ok.Midvalley pleaasee,,,Then afte tgk movie.We lapaaar!haha,,Iffa and i went to Sushi King!
Yayy!Da lame tak makan sushi!I ordered sushi set!But I can't rmember the name!haha,,it's complicated laa..Tp,sushi sedaapp! :)

We all pegi JJ.tgk the clothes kat sanee.hhee,,pastuu..ade stoory!
iffa said tht die nak pegi solat.I holiday on ice so,said yg I nk tunggu kat luar,die cm,what?You...

then,I said laa "Kte cuti taw."tht cuti change with the REAL word.then thre's a guy yg lalu next to pandang!I just like,Oh my godd,,haha..We just walked away with a red faces!haha,tht's funny :P

Hmm..Then da nak balek..waving for goodbye.haha :)

Naek KTM cm biase.But this time it's full!Sampai terhimpit2.haha,naek taxi.
I chatted with the driver!haha,,That driver is fun!He is soo polite and funny.He have a child which is in form 2.haha,he tell story like my nanny!oh okies,what ever :P


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Old and new.

Ever thought of a caterpillar transform into a beautiful butterfly?

I really hope that I will be a beautiful butterfly when I grew up.But I know nothing can change the way i am.My face now will be the same as in 10 years later.We can't change the future.Only Allah the Al-mighty can change the whole world.Even destroy the planet or the universe!

Kenyataan tu memang takkan pernah berubah.Only impian yang bergantung pada kesungguhan akan merubah kenyataan yang kita tak mungkin lupakan.That dream is something that we will stay on until we reach what we aim for.

My dream is to be a lawyer.I know i'm not qualified to be one because i'm not brave enough to talk in public or maybe in court.haha,but I want to help innocent people.We should claim our justice as it is ours!haha,i'm too bersemangat to be a lawyer.konon laa :P

Whatever,merepek repek je.


Yesterday,I went to Pasar malam with my maid and Azryl.We walked at the sidewalk for about 15 mins.When I reached at the Pasar Malam, I saw a little boy with no hands and legs mengemis kat tengah2 jalan.Dia pegang satu cawan yang berisi duit syiling.The boy's condition was very sad.He can't do anything as he is OKU!Well that is soo sad. :(

Then,I bought food and drinks.Suddenly,I saw an old man with no hands mengemis juge kat tgah2 jalan.He da laa da tue,tak de tangan,miskin pulee..memang condition die cam parah laa..I just bought murtabak and I have,I took out my RM 1 and put it into the old man's cup.The old man cam looked bersyukur laa.He thanked me,and I walked away.Seriously, I can't see people in need.They need us,help them sincerely :)

Kenape laaa dalam dunia ni ade juge org yang mengemis.Maybe ramai yang kate "sape suroh mengemis,pemalas!"..Tp kite kene fhm,sometimes,Diorang terpakse sebab diorang x berupaya daa.Ade jugak pngemis yang sebatang kara,umur pule da meningkat.Ade yang OKU lak tuh.Diorang ley buat pe?Kite yang ade sumber kewangan ni kene laa tolong diorang.Tak kira laa umur kite ni baru 9 or 10 tahun ke pon.Kalau kite ade duit berilah pada yang perlukannyaa :)


Tell me why-Declan Galbraith :)

Holiday holiday back to school =]

Three weeks more : back to school!

I'm doing my best to get rid of back to school problem from my brain.haha,Tak tau laa cmne nak survive dengan homeworknye tak siap lagii..

Sumpa da tak tau ape nak buat da since homework byk lagi tak siap...arrgghhhh!!
My list for back to school things are soo messy because I don't have anyone to help me pack as my parents went for Haji.Barang2 sumenye da hampir siap pack for Penang.I really need help on pushing the things into my luggage.haha
My list :)

1. Pencil box
2. Toothpaste
3. Berus gigi laa
4. Coloured paper
5. Invisible paper =]
6. Battery C size
7. Oxy 5
8. Berus basuh baaju
9. Uniform, hm..
10. Stationery

and many mooore..
Homework..serious belambak!

Tak ley kate pape da ley survive lg la.Kalau tak da lame matii..
Nway,I really hope that next year something good will happen.
I don't want to make more problem here since I will
be 14.4 flat seriously is my target now.Just pray,study,hoping and let Allah set the future..


Penang Mali =]

Serious Sticky Note.

Okayy..My mom gave me a perfect boy girl name.Fatin Aiman. Borned in johor bahru,lived in Kuala Lumpur.My Dad is Terengganu'ians.My mom is Melaka people :) haha
Studying in Mjsc Transkrian,Penang owh..
Seriously many problems occured here,it's unpredictable.

Anyway,I got my pointer.heee..
it's 3.56 for sem2
tpng 3.51!
Alhamdulilah laa..
